The Unbidden
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Entropy is the main domain of The Unbidden, with Hunger and Vermin being its two physical representations. Rot, anarchy and procreation are also among its domains.
- Multiply and spread, spreading the faith until it topples society and finally life itself.
- Accept no rulers and laws. They are artificial and impermanent, existing only in the mind of the gullible.
- Embrace the truth that all is impermanent. Creation is without purpose, except for that which will aid you in the immediate moment.
- The only thing that will last you throughout your lifetime is you. Discard the things and people that do not improve your immediate situation.
The Unbidden's symbol is a writhing mass of vermin, mashed into a single form with no overall structure or pattern.
Its followers may carry a small depiction of the Unbidden's symbol, usually as a flat wooden medallion, as their holy symbol, but this is in no way universal.
Its color is black, though usually used to decorate structure or monuments rather than for clothing which is usually drab and disposable.
Priests of The Unbidden
Class Skills: Priests of Shadari gain the following class skills: Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge(nature; Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).
Channel Energy: Priests of Shadari channel positive energy, healing living creatures and damaging undead creatures.
Granted Spheres: Priests of Shadari gain the Fate and Life spheres. You also get the Sympathetic drawback.
Granted Powers
Rebuke Death (Sp)
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Touch of Nourishment (Su)
In addition, this healing provides nourishment to the ally as if it had eaten a normal meal for a Medium creature.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Healer’s Blessing (Su)
At 6th level, all of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
Bramble Armor (Su)
You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.