Combat Maneuvers/Crush
Action: standard action
Target: one creature, three or more size categories smaller than you
Feats: Powerful Maneuvers
You must be sharing the creature’s space in order to target it with a crush maneuver.
If your attempt is successful, the target takes damage as if you had successfully hit it with an unarmed strike, a bludgeoning weapon, or one of the following natural weapons: hoof, slam, tail slap, tentacle, or wing. Add 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier to this damage, plus your special size bonus (if any).
If in an evasive stance you can attempt to defend by rolling against the combat maneuver instead of attack roll.
Any damage reduction that the target possesses doesn’t apply against a crush combat maneuver.
Nonlethal Crush Attempts: You can attempt to deal nonlethal damage with a crush attempt by taking a –4 penalty on your combat maneuver check.
Swarms and Crush Maneuvers: You can use a crush maneuver against any swarm that is composed of creatures that are three or more size categories smaller than you. A crush maneuver deals full damage to a swarm regardless of the size of its component creatures. A swarm is unable to avoid a crush attempt, although it has a 5% chance per point of base attack bonus to reduce the damage dealt to it by a crush attempt by half.