Ride Style
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Ride Style Feats
Feat Name | Categories | Prerequisites | Benefit |
Acrobatic Mount | Combat • Ride | Ride | Move your mount easier through threatened squares. |
Armored Mount | Combat • Ride | Ride | Your mount gains temporary hit points and bonus AC. |
Bronco Buster | Combat • Ride | Ride | You may attempt to use any nearby animal as a mount. |
Guided Maneuver | Combat • Ride | Ride | Your mount may use your combat maneuver bonus and feats. |
Meat Shield | Combat • Ride | Ride | Use your mount as total cover against a ranged attack. |
Ride | Combat • Ride | — | Improves your ability to ride animals. |
Skirmish Rider | Combat • Ride | Ride | You and your mount may attack during movement. |
Vaulting Flank | Combat • Ride | Ride | Train your mount in a technique to fight foes while flanking with you. |
Wild Rider | Combat • Ride • Tame | Ride | Any creature you mount counts as tame and combat trained. |
Advanced Ride Style Feats
Feat Name | Categories | Prerequisites | Benefit |
Monster Breaker | Combat • Ride | Animal Ken 7 ranks, Bronco Buster, Ride, Broad Skills, Tame Animal | Use Bronco Buster ability on any creature suitable to serve as your mount. |
Ride Style Drawback Feats
Feat Name | Categories | Prerequisites | Benefit |
Offensive Rider | Ride | Lose the cover or defensive rider reactions, but gain Skirmish Rider. |
Acrobatic Mount[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: While mounted, you may substitute an Animal Ken skill check in place of an Acrobatics skill check for you and your mount when moving through a threatened square or trying to ignore difficult terrain.
Armored Mount[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: Any creature you are mounted on gains a competence bonus to armor class and combat maneuver defense equal to 1/2 your ranks in Animal Ken (rounded down, minimum +1).
In addition, your mount gains a pool of temporary hit points that regenerate at a rate of 1 per minute up to a maximum amount equal to your ranks in Animal Ken; your mount starts at 1 temporary hit point when you mount and these hit points disappear immediately if you begin your turn not mounted on that creature.
Bronco Buster[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: Gain the following ability:
Bronco Buster
Animal KenDC = creature's CMDStandard Action
The creature may make a Will save each round to break free of your control. If it fails the Will save, it must act as a willing mount for that turn. A new Will save must be made each round until you are thrown or choose to dismount.
If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may use this ability on any creature to which your trainer ability applies, though creatures not of the animal type gain a +2 bonus on their Will save.
Guided Maneuver[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: While mounted, your mount may use your combat maneuver bonus (including feats and other bonuses to particular maneuvers but retaining their own size modifiers) in place of its own when performing Bullrush, Drag, Overrun, Reposition, or Trip combat maneuvers.
Meat Shield[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: If mounted on a creature of your size or larger, when using the Cover reaction, you may expend your martial focus to gain total cover instead of normal cover in the direction of the attacker. If you make this choice, the attacking creature may choose a new target (including your mount).
Monster Breaker[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Animal Ken 7 ranks, Bronco Buster, Ride, Broad Skills, Tame Animal
Benefit: You may use your Bronco Buster ability on any creature suitable to serve as your mount. A creature with Intelligence greater than 2 may make its Will save to resist this ability as a free action at the start of its turn.
On a failed save, you may only direct such a creature to move; you cannot make it attack or use any other abilities.
Offensive Rider[edit]
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: You do not gain the cover or defensive rider reactions. You gain Skirmish Rider with this drawback.
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following abilities:
Fast Mount
Spur Mount
You also gain the following reactions:
Reaction: On a successful check you react instantly to drop down and hang alongside your mount, using it as cover. You can’t attack or cast spells while using your mount as cover. Getting back up from this position is a move action (no check required). On a failure your reaction is wasted.
Defensive Rider
Reaction: Use the result of the check in place of your mount’s AC or Reflex save result, if higher.
Skirmish Rider[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: While mounted and moving with your mount, you and your mount may each make an attack action at any point during the movement and then complete the movement.
This requires using your standard action as normal and cannot be used if you do not have a standard action available.
You and your mount do not provoke reactions triggered by movement from one creature of your choice that you make an attack or combat maneuver roll against as part of this attack action.
Additionally, you may make an attack action at any point when you make a joint withdraw action while mounted. If you possess the Athletics sphere, you cannot regain focus on the same withdraw action as you use this option.
Vaulting Flank[edit]
(Combat, Ride)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: When using the attack action to attack, your mount may also attack your target with a single natural weapon it possesses as a joint swift action. If both you and the mount successfully deal damage with these attacks, you may command your mount to buck you into a vaulting dismount over your foe and into a flanking position with your mount against that creature.
You must succeed on a Acrobatics check (DC 15 + 5 per size category larger than your mount the creature is), or you instead fall prone adjacent to your mount. Your mount will continue to attack that creature as long as they remain conscious, or until you remount and give them a new command.
Wild Rider[edit]
(Combat, Ride, Tame)
Prerequisites: Ride
Benefit: Any creature serving as your mount counts as tame and as having been combat trained per the Animal Ken skill.
This does not allow you to handle or push a creature of greater than animal Intelligence (Intelligence 3 or higher), but does allow them to benefit from some feat, such as Lookout or Pack Attack, though not from any that grant additional tricks, purposes, or Hit Dice. The creature no longer counts as tame or an animal ally once you dismount.
Additionally, you may add half your base attack bonus (minimum +1) as a competence bonus on all checks to stay mounted and never fall off your mount when you become unconscious unless you choose to at the time you fall unconscious. You never take a penalty on checks for lacking a saddle, bit, or bridle.